
A year later...

I know many of you (is there a you to adress? Do I have readers?)  won't believe to what I am about to say.

In a very near future, I am going to be dating someone. Nothing exciting so far. But yes, it is exciting. For me. Because I haven't dated a single boy in the past year.
I know it sounds pathetic. But that's the way it is.
I guess it explains the name of the blog. I felt stuck. Not like people who hate Shidduchim, or people who are actively looking for the One. I felt like on a highway, the highway of life, sitting in my car, where there is so much traffic, that the best I can I do is to turn off my car, so that a least I won't be harmful to the planet. And stay still. And feeling STUCK.

That's pretty much what I've been doing for the past year. Staying still. Feeling Stuck.
Now there are a lot of reasons why it happened this way. One of them is that exactly a year ago, I was dating this amazing guy, and it ended badly and I had a hard time getting over this whole episode.
And many many many other things came up, making it not the right time to date.
But now it's coming again. I guess the time has come

And my question is: Is dating like riding a bike? Can you forget how to do it? Or once you've learnt how it goes, you can't delete it rom your memory?

I guess I'm nervous...


Pragmatician said...

I can't tell how many readers you have, but it's likely you have many more than you think, I myself read a lot of blogs and don't leave that many comments.

Have you thought of putting some sort of visitors tracking webthingy?

SternGrad said...

I believe you because I can relate. A while ago I wrote a post called, "Droughts" about long periods of time that shidduch daters go through where they don't go on any dates. My longest stretch was nowhere close to a year, though it could have reached that point. There are definitely times that I feel "stuck" but that is part of the struggle of life- to remain optimistic despite challenges.

I think dating *is* like riding a bike. You'll get back into it. And almost everyone is nervous- that is normal. Good luck!!

For my post see: http://lifeaftersterncollege.blogspot.com/2010/07/droughts.html

A said...

And indeed, you were right SternGrad, dating Is like riding a bike... I guess this is part of the stuff you don't forget how it works...

Tania said...

I feel your pain...