
What's for starters?

A blog? Why a blog?

I guess I was tired reading other people's blog, when I have what to say too.
I have no idea what i am going to say, to talk about.
For a short introduction, I am an jewish educated young  girl, in college, dreaming of changing the system, constantly thinking about different ways to achieve it.
English is not my mother's tongue, but weirdly enough, is the language I feel the most at ease with.
So, dear future readers, please bear with the few mistakes that will inevitable happen along the way. Please, leave comments and I will try to respond to them to the best of my abilities. I want to have your opinion, and also, I just want to know someone's reading me. So even if you have nothing to say, just to say ''great post" or "totally boring" and Iwill know I am not just writing just for myself, although it would be a good enough reason to write anyway. But I'll leave that thought for a later post.

I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.


Devorah said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Hope your name changes very soon!!

DT said...

Same here.