
About problems, and their solutions...


Devorah said...

That's true. This is a funny picture!

Sometimes, you have to think beyond the way the puzzle is meant to be put together...and then you'll have all the colors matched up. May all those looking to complete their puzzle find their correct match - and soon!

(Funny word verification - redish - get that?!)

Mystery Woman said...

Where's the satisfaction in that? :-)

Devorah said...

MW-you are right about that!

Stuck in Shidduchim said...

The satisfaction I would get is exactly the one described by Devorah. Beyonf the way the puzzle is meant to be put together, beyond the conventional path to perfection, there's everyone's one way to solve a problem.

Once the paint will have dried, this puzzle will be perfect, even though it wasn't perfected the way everyone thought it should be. And soon enough, everyone will have forgotten that it was done differently...

I decided I want to solve my issues in life the way I feel, ot the way society imposes on me, as long as I get the right results, and din't hurt anyone on the way, who cares how I got there? It't not because the world decided I should twist and turn and switch pieces to get a perfect puzzle that I have to obey. If I find my own way to get there, I will go this way...