
Not a good match...

Sometimes, you look at two food items to put in your sandwich and you decide it's not a good match.

Sometimes, you pick two clothes and try them on, only to decide, it's not a good match.

Sometimes, when you meet someone, yo can tell very quickly that it's not a good match.

Sometimes you try to set up people only to hear that, despite your intentions, it's not a good match.

Lately, I've been trying to convince my self that I could make a match.
So I tried, only to find out, that blogging and finals, it's not a good match...

So I'll quit blogging for a while (if I can do that) and will be back as soon as all these are over...


Mystery Woman said...

Good luck on those finals :)

Devorah said...

Good luck! Hope you do well and all the hard work pays off!
It's definitely a busy and stressful time - make sure to treat yourself once you're done!

Mr. Cohen said...

Sometimes a job is not a match for an employee.

Sometimes a new resident is not a match for his neighbors.

Everything requires Siyata DeShemaya -- help from G_d.


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