

Just came back from a friend's wedding. Was one of the very few single girls. Just wondering. Is this ever gonna be me? Am I ever gonna be the one in the white gown, looking happy, feeling whole?


Something Different said...

Oy. I know exactly how you feel. I try so hard to picture myself in that gown, at the center of the circle- and I can't.

But I try to remember that someone out there is for me. And I'll be dancing in the middle one day. Someones it works...other times I just hang on...

SternGrad said...

Yup. I know that feeling...

aminspiration said...

I think we all for at least one second during the dancing wonder..am I gonna have people dance at my wedding? Will there be anyone left? But then I remember that the day is not about me, its about the kallah and the mitzva is to make her happy. So bring on the dancing!

Stuck in Shidduchim said...

It's not that I felt t was all about me. i did dance and try to make her happy. But then, you stop to have a drink and thoughts flow in...

aminspiration said...

those darn thought!:P dont u wish sometimes you could turn your brain off..and just do without thinking? It would make things so much easier.

Stuck in Shidduchim said...

Oh yeah !!!! turning my brain off? Wish scientist were working on that !

aminspiration said...

well for now.. we have to live with them. i think it is a good thing. But at times, we have to learn how to turn off our brains. It is crucial to self growth, I just dont have that kind of patience.

Mr. Cohen said...

Stuck in Shidduchim said:

“Am I ever gonna be the one in the white gown, looking happy, feeling whole?”

Dear Stuck in Shidduchim,

You should learn to feel happy and whole BEFORE you get married.


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Stuck in Shidduchim said...

Dear MR Cohen,

when you'll be a single jewish girl in today's day and age, then you'll be allowed to judge. In the meantime, please refrain from doing so, as you have absolutely no idea what it means to actually be a single Jewish gril in today's day and age.